Drivers map of Graylands

The environment itself makes Graylands worth considering as a location, however the site also offers very high car parking levels and very low rents.


Graylands Estate, Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 4QD

Need directions? Open Google Maps in a new window.


We are fully let on the estate. To find out about future commercial availability, please contact our joint retained agents, SHW and Crickmay.

22 London Road, Horsham
West Sussex, RH12 1AY

Tel: 01403 264 259

Sterling House, High Street,
Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1GE

Tel: 01293 441 300

For an informal discussion about the regeneration of the Graylands Estate, please contact Nick Coupe on 07930 331 761 / 020 7408 0016 or .

Who's behind this?

Graylands Estate is a development by Verve Properties:

Verve Properties
10 Blandford Street
London W1U 4AZ
T 020 7408 0016

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  • Sunlight Mews, Fulham
  • 1892, Clerkenwell
  • The Printworks, Kew
  • Big Red Office, Manchester
  • Kennington Road, London